Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Starting right off the bat with a very recent journal entry of mine..

God, I believe this desire has come from You, the desire to take care of someone, to care for them, to help them, to be there for them always in everything..Desire to be loyal to someone. That is from You because that is who You are. And I thank you for that. Since that is all from you I pray that I only do right with it. I pray that I fully allow you to lead that--to keep it hidden when need be but to keep it out at the right time with the right people so I don't desire to stay close and be loyal to people who shouldn't be my friends, or to any guy when it's simply not the right guy, or the right time.
I think this goes along also with my desire to feel needed. God, help me to see and be open to how You need me. To how I can be loyal to you and your Word. And how you need me to do that because it is an important thing! Because that is your will and calling for my life. That is what will fulfill my desire. That obeying you and being loyal to YOU will allow you to bring someone into my life who is so great for me and who will allow me to fulfill these great desires-- of loyalty and feeling needed--even more.
I love this desire, I love and want only all of Your desires, nothing more, nothing less. Break my heart for what breaks your heart.

Lately God has been telling me how He needs me. Now, I know in a huge way He doesn't REALLY need us, but He's created us with a desire to feel needed and in order for His purpose and plan for us to be fulfilled (He did create us for a reason--to glorify Him), we NEED to obey Him and be loyal to Him. With that said, I'm asking him to show me how I'm needed because this has been an important part of my thoughts lately. I'm seeing these disastrous circumstances. Whether they're physically disastrous like what's been going on in Japan, or spiritual where I see the enemy working in my friends' lives. I have hard times because I see my sisters going through hard things. I have hard times because I see where the enemy is lying to me..or don't see it but am knowing he is in some way. I'm not trying to say I have a perfect life, or that any of you should be jealous. But overall I am a very healthy person in a healthy life with good friends and family to keep me strong..and well if I'm honest I'll tell you that I do feel like I have it super easy sometimes. I've heard the prayer requests of my friends and seen much more difficult things lately, and I start to almost get frustrated that I'm not going through half of what some of them are. I asked a friend "Why do I have it so easy?" After hearing me talk and be confused over being so blessed, he finally was able to tell me that God knows my life and has reason for it. If a person needs somebody, I am (most of the time) able to be there for them.
He is for me so He does not want bad things in my life! He doesn't wish negative things on anyone.

So, whoever you are, whatever you need, I am here for you. And I am still young but I am not ashamed to say to whoever my future man is, I am excited to meet you, and then be there for you.

I will give You my heart because I want Yours, Lord!
~No I in Ivy~

P.S. Speaking of brother-in-law and a couple others I am close to are probably going soon to help with everything. I am very, very thankful I did not have to go through anything the people of Japan are going through. Praying for them.

Also, please feel free to reply (or send a personal msg) with any prayer requests you have, or anything you'd like to talk about.

I love you:)


  1. great thoughts - God works thru our circumstances but whether a circumstance is favorable towrad us or not is not the determinant of whether God is in it. Trusting God and not relying on fear or pride to make sense of us and our world is what God desires of us, in spite of our circumstances.
    The man God has chosen for you will be the one through whom He wishes to show His love to you. and vice versa. That is exciting!!

  2. Love that God can be in those circumstances we don't see to be so great. Thanks so much! :) I love you Uncle Steve! Send my love to Aunt Gail as well:)
